Revision Strategies
This English 110 class has been very helpful with helping me discover my favorite revision strategies. Before this class I never put much emphasis on revision, but since then I have not only learned the importance of the revision process, but also ways to effectively revise. I really enjoy the strategy of treating the text as a conversation, responding to every idea as I read it. This allows me more thoroughly engage, understand, and follow the text as I read. This strategy will help me understand more complicated texts in the future which will be very useful in the rest of my education and beyond. Another strategy I find very useful is to revisit the prompt, no matter what stage of the writing process you are in. This has helped me prevent my ideas from straying from the main idea, even if I got lost in thought. Countless times I have found my writing straying from the main topic, but by revisiting the prompt I can always real it back in before its too late. This strategy will help me beyond writing in the future. No matter what problem I’m working on, by asking myself what the actual problem is, I will prevent myself from getting distracted at what tasks I must actually accomplish. The last strategy I found very useful is peer-review. This is something I’ve always underestimated but when your peers are actually engaged it helps a lot and allows the writer to understand how the reader is perceiving their words. This has helped me make ideas in my paper more coherent. This is another skill that extends beyond writing. In the future I know I have friends I can trust to be another pair of eyes on my work. Whether that work is a paper, project, or job related task doesn’t matter. Overall this English class has prepared me for the future is ways I would have never predicted.